Thursday, October 1, 2015

VD 2015 by Akin Acar

Who are you? Why are you here? 

                                                                VD 2015 by Akin Acar

                       My name is Akin Acar.I was born in New York City on April 12th 1999.I like to play basketball,
             play guitar,watching movies,computers,travel different places (city,country) and learning different        
             languages.My parents are from Turkey and I had live in Turkey for 9 year.For better education,
             play basketball in PSAL,to learn different languages and etc... came back to New York City.Now I'm 
             living with my father.I like to listen Rock music.Usually I like to listen 70s and 80s hits.I've dreams
             and plans for my feature so I'm kind of working hard to rich them.For example go to the University 
             if I'm good enough play basketball in college league,became a member of a rock band(just for hobby)
             and become computer engineer. After 9 year when I turn back to the New York City I went to NCHS to         
             improve my English.After a year when I finish my sophomore year I've switched my school.Now I m in 



                      Why am I here.I'm here because I'd like to learn the subjects that I'm interested in,like computers.
             Get better places,better degree,but first I've got the start somewhere.So I've choose ITHS tech classes.
             As I said I'd like to go University and become computer engineer.I am believe in that any information
             that I am going to learn from tech classes gonna effect my college years.The Information that I am 
             going to learn is gonna help me to get better degree and come to the better places.So I didn't want to
             wait until University and wanted to start improve my computer(web design,photoshop and etc..)
             skills now.


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