Saturday, October 24, 2015

Lab#3 _Akin Acar_VD

Lab#3 reflection                             

 In the lab#3 we had to to we had to cut lancelot from the picture.We had to cut every single hair with it.So first I used quick selection tool and use refine edge with deselection brush.After to re-size the lancelot I used shift+command+T.After that i went to images which menu in bar and went to adjustment to re-color the baby lancelot I made 8 different color lancelot.Then i used the task tool to write my name lab and date then i saved it.

Monday, October 19, 2015

LB2_Akin Acar_VD reflection


                                                         Lab#2 reflection
           In lab#2 we had choose pictures from our pictures example of low point,high point,close-up,
landscape,and eye-level shot.The goal was to understanding our camera angels.we opened  adobe
photoshop cs6 and then in the top menu we clicked edit and new to open new background.then again from the edit we click on placed and we choosed our pictures.we we choose them we re-size and re placed it.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Emphasis,balance , camera angles and framing

This is an emphasis this

this is an balance example

this is an camera angles example

this is an framing example

What ia web design

           Web design is duration of creating websites.everything about web sites,the way it looks and the way its works is made by web design.Web design is precess of conceptualizing,planning and building a collection of electronic files that determine the layout,colosr,textstyles,structute,graphics,and use of interactive features that deliver pages to your site visitor.



                                                              Lab#2 melon head lab reflection

            This lab tought is how to use some of the tools likemarque tools,lasso tools.quikselection tools.we also learned how to cut the subjects and redesign them.First we dowloaded some of the
Vegitables and fruits from jupiter Ed.and then we added to theadobe photoshop cs6 from the
File and placeit.when we placed it we duplicated.and then we started to use the tools.first I used
The tool the name called elliptical marque tool,to cut the melon and when i finish with cutting the
Melon I right clicted on it and copied as a lliyar via copy.and it putted it in another section.Then I used other tolls onthe other fruit and vegies for example I used polygn lasso too for macorroni,magnetic tool on a radish. When I fonished with all of them they were all in different backround.fisrt I disselected the original backround.and I selected all the vegies and fruits.first I clicted on a melon I replaced it and then I made second copy of carrot,blueberrie,radish and kiwi.and I replaced them on a melon and in the final I puted a cithen picture in a backround and I had finished with my lab#2.

Marque tools

                                                              Marque tools

             Marque tool is used to draw selections based on geometric shapes.There are 4 tyes of marque tolls.I m gonna talk about only two of them one of them is rectangular marque tool.With this
Tool u could marked square subjects easily.and with the eliptical marque tool u could marked eliptical subjects easily.Its depend whatever u work on it so both of them is useful for me

Monday, October 5, 2015




                               In the lab I had picked my 4 favorite picture,We had to print it but before print it
           We had to re size it for fit to the paper .I went to ''files'' and then I went to ''place''and I picked
          my picture.When i was resizing  the pictures first I touched to the ''shift'' and then i resized the
          picture from the corner.It was easy for me and I feel like it was an success lab for me,cause
          I believe in that I took relly good pictures.I most enjoyed part was to taking pictures.
          I believe in that theses skills will be useful in my other visual design classes.

Definition of 7 word

PJD-A file extension for loss graphics file. JPG stands for "joint photographic group"

PSD-which stands for Photoshop Document, is the default format that Photoshop uses for saving data. PSD is a proprietary file that allows the user to work with the images' individual layers even after the file has been saved.

GIF-A lossless format for image files that supports both animated and static images

TIFF-A  file format used for still-image bitmaps,stored in tagger fields.Application programs can use the tags to accept or ignore fields,depending their capabilities.

RAW- picture file format that some of the more advanced cameras have the option of using when taking photograph.

PNG-''Poltable network graphics''is a raster graphics file format that supports lossless data compression.

BMP-An image file format supported by many programs,including microsoft paint.BMP which comes from word''bitmap''is intended for of line use,since BMP's tend to be large in size.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

The Rule of Third

                                                               The Rule of Third

                            The Rule of  Third is breaking an image into thirds,horizontally and vertically
       3 by 3 so u divide the screen 9 equal part.the aim is place your subject in either the top,left or the
       right third of the screen,and the middle placement idea is to spit the image into a 1:2 ratio.
       So the Rule of Third add to the image better appearance.


MAC OS X El Capitan vs WINDOWS 10

                                                        MACs Vs WINDOWs

                   The battlefield of the desktops is almost 33 years old.In one side we have MACs the
       giant of the editing,movies,musics,good software,work and in the other side  we have    
       WINDOWs the giant of gaming,office work.A lot of people discuss about it,which one
       is better.So let's start with MACs.

                    Mac OS X is one of the biggest computer.If u want more secure,editing movies,
       music or videos,good software higher quality  hardware u should choose Mac OS X.It's
       really comfortable.Even most of the people says that u can't game on mac it's not true,
       even mac is not a gaming computer u could and the results are surprising cause you
       could play comfortably.Even in the new brand of the Window laptops has touchscreen
       but mac doesn't have,it's depressing.but if your phone,tablet,computer is from Apple Inc.
       it's really amazing that all of them is in connection and it's really impressive all the users.
       Most of the people think that Mac OS X doesn't get virus it's wrong,it does but less than
       windows,which is pretty cool.The cost of the Apple mac is really high but u could use your
       mac for years without problem and when u think about the good software,higher quality
       hardware it's %100 with it.We talked about Mac now let's talk about Windows.

                  Window PCs are the another biggest computer.If u want a Window PC you have to
       think about it a lot because there you've got more options.any brand,or with any feature.
       touch screen,or a tablet with keyboard as a laptop. or even u could merge the pieces and create
       your own pc which is really cool,and if you're looking for gaming pc this is %100 your
       computer.You could play any game and in the latest Windows is support XBOX.Windows
       takes a lot of virus and because of that you have to pay for the security apps or you've to
       formatting it several time in a year which is really annoying but the latest windows 10 seem
       like improved it self and doesn't get virus as the oldest versions.

                   My opinion is Mac OS X El Capitan is better than windows 10.Because of good,faster
       software,higher quality hardware,editing movies,music and videos,are the features that I'm
       looking for a computer.I can edit my music,watch movies in higher quality,and even sometimes
       I could play games.And i believe in that the price is worth it...



Thursday, October 1, 2015

VD 2015 by Akin Acar

Who are you? Why are you here? 

                                                                VD 2015 by Akin Acar

                       My name is Akin Acar.I was born in New York City on April 12th 1999.I like to play basketball,
             play guitar,watching movies,computers,travel different places (city,country) and learning different        
             languages.My parents are from Turkey and I had live in Turkey for 9 year.For better education,
             play basketball in PSAL,to learn different languages and etc... came back to New York City.Now I'm 
             living with my father.I like to listen Rock music.Usually I like to listen 70s and 80s hits.I've dreams
             and plans for my feature so I'm kind of working hard to rich them.For example go to the University 
             if I'm good enough play basketball in college league,became a member of a rock band(just for hobby)
             and become computer engineer. After 9 year when I turn back to the New York City I went to NCHS to         
             improve my English.After a year when I finish my sophomore year I've switched my school.Now I m in 



                      Why am I here.I'm here because I'd like to learn the subjects that I'm interested in,like computers.
             Get better places,better degree,but first I've got the start somewhere.So I've choose ITHS tech classes.
             As I said I'd like to go University and become computer engineer.I am believe in that any information
             that I am going to learn from tech classes gonna effect my college years.The Information that I am 
             going to learn is gonna help me to get better degree and come to the better places.So I didn't want to
             wait until University and wanted to start improve my computer(web design,photoshop and etc..)
             skills now.