Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Lab#5_Akin Acar_VD 2015 reflection

                In lab#6 I had to rid some the pictures such as the picture with fountain and I had to show older or newer such as the picture with  window.first I rid the picture which is with fountain from some of the rips.I used Clone stamp tool to get rid couple of rips around of the picture,but before I used it I pushed  button of "alt" to select which part i wanted to clone then I used Healing Tool to get rid of a rip on the bottom left corner.Then I started the picture with women who is climbing.First I used Clone stamp tool to erase the letters,to used it I pushed button of " alt" to clone a place,color etc.. then I erased it.After that I used Patch tool to get rid of some of the cracks.With Patch tool I selected a part of the picture so I could overlie the part of the picture.The hard part was to bring equivalent the part I selected with the patch tool to get rid of the cracks.The third picture was the picture with the guy.I rid the wrinkles in the frontal with Healing tool.I used it as I used it in the first  and the second picture,and I also rid some wrinkles under the eye with the same technique.And in the final picture which is with the window and flowers.In this picture I used several tools.First I selected the top of the picture with rectangular marquee tool and then used eyedropper tool to pain the selected part.Then to make it newer the frame which is in the right I used the Dodge tool and to make it former the frame which is in left I used Burn Tool but i had to be careful because when u used it a lot the color would change.For flowers I used Sponge Tool.The flower in the right I used Saturation feature of the Sponge tool to make it newer and I used desaturate feature to make it former the flower in the left.Then I opened a new background so I could put all the pictures together in a one frame.then I selected part of the background with the Rectangle Tool and I make colorful then I used Task tool to write my name,date class and lab# then I saved it.

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