Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Lab#5_Akin Acar_VD 2015 reflection

                In lab#6 I had to rid some the pictures such as the picture with fountain and I had to show older or newer such as the picture with  window.first I rid the picture which is with fountain from some of the rips.I used Clone stamp tool to get rid couple of rips around of the picture,but before I used it I pushed  button of "alt" to select which part i wanted to clone then I used Healing Tool to get rid of a rip on the bottom left corner.Then I started the picture with women who is climbing.First I used Clone stamp tool to erase the letters,to used it I pushed button of " alt" to clone a place,color etc.. then I erased it.After that I used Patch tool to get rid of some of the cracks.With Patch tool I selected a part of the picture so I could overlie the part of the picture.The hard part was to bring equivalent the part I selected with the patch tool to get rid of the cracks.The third picture was the picture with the guy.I rid the wrinkles in the frontal with Healing tool.I used it as I used it in the first  and the second picture,and I also rid some wrinkles under the eye with the same technique.And in the final picture which is with the window and flowers.In this picture I used several tools.First I selected the top of the picture with rectangular marquee tool and then used eyedropper tool to pain the selected part.Then to make it newer the frame which is in the right I used the Dodge tool and to make it former the frame which is in left I used Burn Tool but i had to be careful because when u used it a lot the color would change.For flowers I used Sponge Tool.The flower in the right I used Saturation feature of the Sponge tool to make it newer and I used desaturate feature to make it former the flower in the left.Then I opened a new background so I could put all the pictures together in a one frame.then I selected part of the background with the Rectangle Tool and I make colorful then I used Task tool to write my name,date class and lab# then I saved it.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Note Taking

                    The best way to remember and review what do in the class is taking notes.I always first write my name in the left up corner and teachers name right up corner and I write date under my name and class under teachers name.After that I write the Aim to understand what the topic is.Then I write whatever i need to remember and review.

Lab5_Akin Acar_VD Reflection

                         In this lab first i picked 2 different picture the first picture,I used liquify effect on it.
I ve change my noise,month my had, i made some part bigger some part smaller . I used pucker ,bloat,twist and forward warp.Then the other picture that I picked I duplicated 4 times so i had 5 of them.I went to filter in menu and then i went to filter gallery to covert the picture I used glowing edges,cutout,crosshatch,smudge stick, and halftone pattern filters.Then i wrote the name of the filters under pictures.Then I went to filter again render-and clouds to change background.With this I've change the background and I wrote my name ,date ,class with task tool.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

project 2 reflection-Andy Warhol

            Andy Warhol, an American artist who was a leading figure in the visual art movement known as pop art.His works explore the relationship between artistic expression, celebrity culture, and advertisement that flourished by the 1960s. After a successful career as a commercial illustrator, Warhol became a renowned and sometimes controversial artist.

              I wouldn't buy his artwork because first of all,I don't have that much money to buy and the second reason is I m not interested in "pop" art .It doesn't remind me anything because I've never seen any artwork with mix of different tone of colors.It's pleasant and also important to learn about Andy Warhol, and his art working also could do art work like him even it's with computer photoshop application. Critics criticize the art work in popular culture.It's better if someone has informed opinion about something,that's the reason we call that kind of people critics.When the critics criticize art working,any book,music and etc...their knowledge about it they know the details how is it works but if someone criticize anything they might'nt  have any knowledge about it and, they don't know the details,how is it works so their criticize would be personal criticize.Evey one have different taste and bias,its depends personal intrest.Some people might like rock music, pop music or,  interested in sports and some of them music.  People think different my truth might be someones erroneous.Warhol's portraits was more likely looking same thing in different angles,colors,taste and bias.He used different colors in one portrait and different tone of colors inside of those colors which is makes more lithochromatic the portraits.It's depend on people if the portraits are important if the person cares and interested in art of course it is but if the person doesn't care about it its not,for the portraits re important because I like and respect art.I think every portrait have meaning.There were a lot of artists in the past,some of them just loved it and some of them painted for money.I feel pleasant about making warhol portrait of my self because first of all I learned a new technique on photoshop application and second reason is even I cannot draw like him I could make it like him.

                    When we started to the project first some of us took picture of their self and I choose a picture of my self and then first i placed it on adobe photoshop cs6 after that I used quick selection tool to separate my self from the picture,after I separate my self from the picture I went to images and desaturate the the picture so automatically it turned into black and white then again I went to images/adjustment and brightness/contrast to edit how bright was it..After that I went to filter and opened filter gallery and choose cutout from the artistic,so the picture had became some more blurred.After that I opened new background and drug the picture to the new background this part was the most hardest part for me because I had different pictures from other with width and heigh so I had to make a compatible background with my picture.Couple time I erase what I've done and re-do it anyway I counted and found best width and height for my picture and druged it to the new background I re-sized the picture and duplicate 3 time more,so i had 4 of them.I opened new folder for them and i re-named them as a frame 1-2-3-4.After that I created color background for each of them with frame tool layer.After that I painted with different colors the background.In the end part I went to select and I selected load selection to select picture when i select the  picture I grabbed the paint bucket tool,before i paint them i opened new background for each of them and then I choose what color i wanted to and i painted them .