Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Year book

Project year book was similar to the previous project the newsletter project.First Mrs.Ramirez picked the chief editors.Then put every student in a group.Our group had Me,Diego, Lesly, and Jose.First we planed the project.Then Jose did the cover.Mean while Lesly was taking the pictures of the people and I was getting the quotes from the people.And diego was designing the yearbook.After Lesly took a;; the pictures I separated them from the original background and created another background for the pictures .After Lesly did the introduction and meanwhile jose was already done with the cover.We put all the things that we did together in diego's computer.And he mixed.Unfortunately we were little bit late but we finished it anyway.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Project 9 Newsletter reflection journal

Project 9 newsletter took almost 3 week to complete. In the beginning first Mrs.Ramirez made the groups.She picked 5 chief editor for each group.To choose the chief editors she looked their previous  project grade.5 people had the highest grade so she made them chief editors.I was chief editor too , but I didn't have the highest grade in the previous project.I became chief editor by the votes of my group members. At first everybody got their job in the project. Tsering was graphic designer, Anvinh was the journalist, Asif was photographer and Giulius was the editor. I believe that in my group everybody worked hard and did their best. In the beginning everybody was confused and did not know what to do , even though we planed every page and the topics in the beginning. As a chief editor my most of the job on the group was to make sure that the group members were working in order and in teamwork. Most of the time I was trying to get the ideas together, make sure that everyone was doing their job, and helping them with their work. In our project we mostly used Indesign and a little bit Photoshop CS6. Our project was about Information Technology High School News. So we could've write  anything about our school. Most of the time I wasn't in the computer because I was already done with the pages I supposed to do. I did 3 pages of our newsletter. In order to finish two of my pages I had to interview with Mrs.Ramirez and also the Video production teacher Mr.Putten. After I get the information that I needed I put them together. I did two pages for CTE-Academy  which was for Web design and Video production.And also the school lunch. of course I had a lots of grammar mistake but thanks to Anvinh , he checked and fixed my grammar mistakes. As the due day arrive Mrs.Ramirez gave us more time to finished, If she wouldn't give us more time we wouldn't able to finish the newsletter. As the due days arrived I was trying to get all the works together so we could've print them out. Finally on Friday we put all the works together but there was a problem. Everyone in the group made their project in InDesign but except one of us did not so at the beginning we tried to export those files to Indesign but did not work or it didn't show clearly anyway finally we found a way. But there was an another major problem which gave entire class hard time. Printing our work. It was the most confusing part of the project , because as we were printing the pages they were either in a wrong place or print in a separate spread. Finally after school Mrs.Ramirez showed In order to print them. Of course first couple try didn't work but then  we made it. We made a little bit math mistake while we were printing pages so we hade to ping one of the page which was in the middle into one paper and had to leave one blank page.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

2016 NYC Computer Science Fair

     Today (04/07/2016) we went to Armory for 2016 computer science fair with sophomore and junior class of web design and apple with 101 crew(students,teachers,parents,consular)First time we arrived to the armory we waited for a while because there were another schools and a huge line.After we got in they gave us student card.We went to upstairs and we had lunch.After we ate something I went to fair.It was so cool.There was a lot of compony representatives like Facebook, Microsoft, Aol., Wework, Devpost, some college representatives like from Massachusetts Worcester Polytechnic Institute, West Point, Binghamton University, Queens Brough College, Tandon School Of Engineering, and etc... Also we had opportunity to find some programs like CodeNow which teaches how to coding for example "ALL STAR CODE", Facebook University. First
time when I get in I talked to representative of WPI it was really nice because by seeing that college's representative helped me to find one more college to apply in November. Then I talked to with one of the West Point teacher, It was also educational conversation for me because I wasn't sure about if west point had computer science program also I got some information about cyber (hacking) classes to.After I talked with West point I almost talked to with all the tables like NYU, Devpoint, Wework, and etc.. but for me the most interested ones were to talk to with Facebook and "All Star CODE",because my one of the goal were to find a program that teaches computer programming and they were doing the same thing.Facebook lately created some that called Facebook University.They have eight week summer training programs and teaching people programming, designing.They were looking for people that would help Facebook to improve it self.Around 1 pm we started to get ready to leave.I wish we had chance to stay some more so I could've talk to more companies or schools and get more information.I tried to talk as much as table in couple hour I believe this fair one of the most important fair and gave us a lot of opportunities.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Trip to the American Museum of Natural History

        Today our trip to the American Museum of Natural History with web design class started with little delay. After we arrive to the Museum first we went to butterfly conservatory. It was warm inside but we actually had opportunity to see butterflies alive and close. If you were not moving they were perch on you. It was nice experience for me because before that I haven't had see and feel a butterfly that close. After butterflies we went to see land animals. We could've see buffalo,bear,deer and etc.. animals statue. There was also a stand point in the land animals area where you stay and when you talk it was making an echo. It was also pretty fun and nice touch for the museum's features. After that we went to see underwater creatures. There was kind of dark room.
That section didn't actually interested me that much except the big whale and some of the fishes. We took a lots of pictures in that room. After underwater creatures we went to see the hall of the planet earth.First thing was first everyone seemed tired so we had a brake first under the world.

In that section there was a lots of information about rocks and earth actually informations that we learn in earth science class.After the brake we went inside of a big sphere. It was Hayden Big Bang Theater, talked about big bang theory. When we got inside there was a big circle , we all gather around the circle and a video started.It talked about how the universe formed how small was it and got bigger , How long does it took and some other informations like that.After that lastly we went to under that sphere.there was more information about universe and big bang theory and also a movie about black whole but for me the most interesting things were weighing which measure our weights in other planets like moon,mars and etc... it was our last stop in the museum. After that we went to out side some of us eat something and than we went to front of the museum.Took some pictures then we came back to school.

               It was nice, fun, but especially educated day.Even though It was my second time to visiting American Museum of Natural History I had seen and experienced somethings like the echo point butterflies and Big Bang Theater. Also it was nice to visit there with a group with our friends.

Monday, March 14, 2016

CTE Expo

               In the CTE EXPO we had to wear something nice, because we were gonna make presentations to the freshman and some other teachers  about what we have done in the web design class. The reason why we were gonna make presentations to the freshman it's because when next semester arrive and sophomore's become juniors web design will be need new sophomores, So we had to make presentation to freshman's and they could choose web design. When They arrive first they walk around the class and looked to the projects that all web design classes (sophomore , junior and senior  class) did.
                Then we spoke with the freshman's about our project, what we did how we did, what applications we used and what resources we used. After that we talked about why they should choose web design. I gave some information about if they come to web design class,how is web design class will help to the freshman's to have successful job opportunities. I gave them some  example from my project. We learned how to make business cards and if they learn how to make business card , maybe in their future they would create their own business and make their own business card so he/she doesn't have to give someone else  money to make business card , or they could make business card for other companies. When they become junior they would learn how to computer programming and how to create a web side which is people pays a lot of money to open web sides and they could've make money on it.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Project 4 Vertical tool & brushes

        Two week ago we worked with Vertical Tools & Brushes.First we draw a simple picture on a paper.I draw one house,a mountain in the background, several trees,sun in the top left corner,clouds, and birds.It was colorless picture then I scanned the drawing in scanner and uploaded our computers.Then I opened it on Adobe photoshop cs6.After I opened it,I made two copy of the picture so I had one for original, one copy for brushes and the third copy was for Vertical Tools.First I started to use Brushes. When I was using brushes first I started to test all the brushes because I didn't know how to use them and which one I can use it for.Then I chooses leaves and made first color orange and the second color(background color) yellow.Then I started to paste them top of the trees when I thought there was enough leaves I started to pain the gourd in green.Then when I finished to paint ground in green I found grass shape on brushes so I chooses it and I made the color dark green.and then I started to paste them in the ground.I made and paste bigger grass to part of picture which close to us.When I paste them to the far I made them smaller so the picture could  be seem like close and far.Then I painted mountain.I found one triangle shape on brushes and I pasted it on top of the mountain in green.Then I painted the sea in dark blue and then I painted the sky in light blue.I found one round shape I turned the color in yellow and pasted in top left corner of the picture then I made it some more bigger and I pasted it again so it seemed like sun.To make the house I found one square shape on brushes and painted in purple and pasted in the place where it was supposed to be and then I made smaller squares to made the windows.I found one straight brush and made it as much as smaller so the details wouldn't seen.I draw the lines of the windows with that brush.then I chooses one of the round shape and made smaller size .I turned the color of the shape some more lighter blue so I could draw waves to the sea.

                                     In the second part of the project I used vertical tools First I chooses rectangle tool and I turned the color in light blue then I made two big square and I placed them in the top of the picture.then I turned the color in darker blue and I made two rectangular shape to made the sea but the problem was it wasn't seem like sea and it wasn't place to the place of the sea,so I choosed ellipse tool and made it subtract from tools so it was not adding opposite it was subtracting from the tools so subtract from the two rectangular shapes to seem like sea.Then I made one more big square too and turned the color in green then I placed the big green square from down left corner of the picture to the middle of the mountain.I leaved the ground layer behind of the sea and sky layer.Then I choose custom shape tool and found triangle shape I played with the size and placed to the mountain in 6 different pieces.then I made the top of the mountain with same tool but with different color and size.With rectangular tool by using different sizes and color I made the house ,windows.With triangle shape I made the roof.I fount one round shape on the custom shapes,I made the roof window with that shape.I found tree,sun,cloud,grass,bird,rabbit and wave shape on custom shapes and placed them in suitable places.I placed the grasses as I did in the picture that I used brushes too.I placed them bigger to smaller.End of the project layers were so intricate so I made class for each kind of layer for ex:grasses,animals,house,mountain and etc...

New Years Resolution

                             My last years  resolution was to improve my english as much as possible and start a good school year,and yes I improved my english as much as possible and started a good school year and I am still trying to improve my english every single past day.

                             My new years resolution is to first study and then pass English and Algebra Common Core Regents on january.Then finish the first marking period with good grade.After that I ll take SAT on march,so to take good grade I ll study for SAT.If I cannot take good average or if I don't like my average I ll study more and I ll take SAT test on june again.After that I ll study for my classes more because I want to keep my GPA high.I want to keep my GPA high because in my senior I want to apply for collages and I am going to need high the meanwhile I ll study for US History & Government and earth science regents,and at the end of the school year on june I ll finish my junior year by passed all regents, good GPA,45 credit and with SAT score.If I can finish this school year with this plan next year in my senior year I am just gonna apply for collages on november and wait for to graduate because I would done with everything to graduate.I n the summer I ll study for BMV test and take my driver permit,so I could get driver license when I become 18.I ll work in the summer and when schools open I ll work in the weekends so I could save money to buy car.I want to buy a car when I become 18 because I want to go the collage in the another state and I ll probably need a car because there is no subway and also in collage I want to do delivery job so I can earn my money easily.Latest when I become senior want to join to army for free education.