Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Project 9 Newsletter reflection journal

Project 9 newsletter took almost 3 week to complete. In the beginning first Mrs.Ramirez made the groups.She picked 5 chief editor for each group.To choose the chief editors she looked their previous  project grade.5 people had the highest grade so she made them chief editors.I was chief editor too , but I didn't have the highest grade in the previous project.I became chief editor by the votes of my group members. At first everybody got their job in the project. Tsering was graphic designer, Anvinh was the journalist, Asif was photographer and Giulius was the editor. I believe that in my group everybody worked hard and did their best. In the beginning everybody was confused and did not know what to do , even though we planed every page and the topics in the beginning. As a chief editor my most of the job on the group was to make sure that the group members were working in order and in teamwork. Most of the time I was trying to get the ideas together, make sure that everyone was doing their job, and helping them with their work. In our project we mostly used Indesign and a little bit Photoshop CS6. Our project was about Information Technology High School News. So we could've write  anything about our school. Most of the time I wasn't in the computer because I was already done with the pages I supposed to do. I did 3 pages of our newsletter. In order to finish two of my pages I had to interview with Mrs.Ramirez and also the Video production teacher Mr.Putten. After I get the information that I needed I put them together. I did two pages for CTE-Academy  which was for Web design and Video production.And also the school lunch. of course I had a lots of grammar mistake but thanks to Anvinh , he checked and fixed my grammar mistakes. As the due day arrive Mrs.Ramirez gave us more time to finished, If she wouldn't give us more time we wouldn't able to finish the newsletter. As the due days arrived I was trying to get all the works together so we could've print them out. Finally on Friday we put all the works together but there was a problem. Everyone in the group made their project in InDesign but except one of us did not so at the beginning we tried to export those files to Indesign but did not work or it didn't show clearly anyway finally we found a way. But there was an another major problem which gave entire class hard time. Printing our work. It was the most confusing part of the project , because as we were printing the pages they were either in a wrong place or print in a separate spread. Finally after school Mrs.Ramirez showed In order to print them. Of course first couple try didn't work but then  we made it. We made a little bit math mistake while we were printing pages so we hade to ping one of the page which was in the middle into one paper and had to leave one blank page.