Thursday, March 24, 2016

Trip to the American Museum of Natural History

        Today our trip to the American Museum of Natural History with web design class started with little delay. After we arrive to the Museum first we went to butterfly conservatory. It was warm inside but we actually had opportunity to see butterflies alive and close. If you were not moving they were perch on you. It was nice experience for me because before that I haven't had see and feel a butterfly that close. After butterflies we went to see land animals. We could've see buffalo,bear,deer and etc.. animals statue. There was also a stand point in the land animals area where you stay and when you talk it was making an echo. It was also pretty fun and nice touch for the museum's features. After that we went to see underwater creatures. There was kind of dark room.
That section didn't actually interested me that much except the big whale and some of the fishes. We took a lots of pictures in that room. After underwater creatures we went to see the hall of the planet earth.First thing was first everyone seemed tired so we had a brake first under the world.

In that section there was a lots of information about rocks and earth actually informations that we learn in earth science class.After the brake we went inside of a big sphere. It was Hayden Big Bang Theater, talked about big bang theory. When we got inside there was a big circle , we all gather around the circle and a video started.It talked about how the universe formed how small was it and got bigger , How long does it took and some other informations like that.After that lastly we went to under that sphere.there was more information about universe and big bang theory and also a movie about black whole but for me the most interesting things were weighing which measure our weights in other planets like moon,mars and etc... it was our last stop in the museum. After that we went to out side some of us eat something and than we went to front of the museum.Took some pictures then we came back to school.

               It was nice, fun, but especially educated day.Even though It was my second time to visiting American Museum of Natural History I had seen and experienced somethings like the echo point butterflies and Big Bang Theater. Also it was nice to visit there with a group with our friends.

Monday, March 14, 2016

CTE Expo

               In the CTE EXPO we had to wear something nice, because we were gonna make presentations to the freshman and some other teachers  about what we have done in the web design class. The reason why we were gonna make presentations to the freshman it's because when next semester arrive and sophomore's become juniors web design will be need new sophomores, So we had to make presentation to freshman's and they could choose web design. When They arrive first they walk around the class and looked to the projects that all web design classes (sophomore , junior and senior  class) did.
                Then we spoke with the freshman's about our project, what we did how we did, what applications we used and what resources we used. After that we talked about why they should choose web design. I gave some information about if they come to web design class,how is web design class will help to the freshman's to have successful job opportunities. I gave them some  example from my project. We learned how to make business cards and if they learn how to make business card , maybe in their future they would create their own business and make their own business card so he/she doesn't have to give someone else  money to make business card , or they could make business card for other companies. When they become junior they would learn how to computer programming and how to create a web side which is people pays a lot of money to open web sides and they could've make money on it.